WACCFINDER vs BVR Cost of Capital Professional

Feature WACCFinder BVR
Price USD 197 / Monthly USD 389 / Yearly
Display results in real time
Retrieve stored data quicky
Store up to 2 calculations
Extended WACC Formula
Select risk-free countries and non-risk-free countries
Blend multi-currency or multi-country inputs
Retrieve industry beta
Video tutorials
Help & Support FAQ
Bonus training videos (free access with paid subscription) USD 2,000 worth of training videos
PDF with citations for all sources used Add a Chartered Valuer and Appraiser signed PDF report at USD 547
Excel report of all user selected variables and calculations, including citation of all sources
Use valuation dates 10 years back
Starting from 1 member

WACCFINDER vs KROLL Cost of Capital Navigator

Feature WACCFinder Kroll
Price USD 197 / Monthly USD 3,106 Subscription fee
Display results in real time
Retrieve stored data quicky
Store up to 2 calculations
Extended WACC Formula
Select risk-free countries and non-risk-free countries
Blend multi-currency or multi-country inputs
Retrieve industry beta
Video tutorials
Help & Support FAQ
Bonus training videos (free access with paid subscription) USD 2,000 worth of training videos
PDF with citations for all sources used Add a Chartered Valuer and Appraiser signed PDF report at USD 547
Excel report of all user selected variables and calculations, including citation of all sources
Use valuation dates 10 years back
Starting from 1 member

WACCFINDER vs PwC eValuation Data Plus

Feature WACCFinder PWC
Price USD 197 / Monthly USD 645 for 1 report per year
Display results in real time
Retrieve stored data quicky
Store up to 2 calculations
Extended WACC Formula
Select risk-free countries and non-risk-free countries
Blend multi-currency or multi-country inputs
Retrieve industry beta
Video tutorials
Help & Support FAQ
Bonus training videos (free access with paid subscription) USD 2,000 worth of training videos
PDF with citations for all sources used Add a Chartered Valuer and Appraiser signed PDF report at USD 547
Excel report of all user selected variables and calculations, including citation of all sources
Use valuation dates 10 years back
Starting from 1 member